Lectures on Central AsiaAuthor: Hasan Bulent PaksoyPublication date: 2005Format / Quality: PdfSize: 375.56 KbLanguage:EnglishЦитата: Paksoy, Hasan Bul...
<b>Türk Tarihi,Toplumların Mayası ve Uygarlık</b>Author: Hasan Bülent PaksoyPublisher: Izmir....
<b>The Origins of the Kazaks and the Ozbeks</b>Author: Zeki Velidi ToganPublisher: First published in Central Asian SurveyVol. 11, No. 3.1...
The History of Bukhara by NarshakiAuthor: Richard N. FryePublisher: ISIS PressPublication date: 1992Language:English
Sun Is Also Fire: Ibadinov's Kuyas Ham AlavThe author of article and the translator of story H. B. PaksoyPublisher: Isis PressPublication date: 1992La...
Религиозно-суфийская литература Крымского ханстваAuthor: Тимур УсеиновSource:http://turkolog.narod.ruPublication date: 2001Format: TxtLanguage:Russian...