Afghan Frontier: Feuding and Fighting in Central Asia - 2003

11.04.09 | Xurshid


<b>Afghan Frontier: Feuding and Fighting in Central Asia - 2003</b>
Author: Victoria Schofield
Publisher: Tauris Parke Paperbacks - 2003
Format / Quality: Pdf
Size: 6.7 Mb

"Every rock, every hill has its story", Winston Churchill wrote of the North-West Frontier, and here is the full story of these turbulent lands. Against a background of the history and geography of the region, the author paints a vivid picture of this extraordinary place. Drawing on written records, soldier's letters, memsahibs' journals, travelers' tales and first hand experience, Victoria Schofield unravels the history of the North-West Frontier layer by layer.
Insiders' perspectives combine with scholarly insights about Afghanistan and the North-West Frontier in this groundbreaking work Offering a thorough history and geography of Afghanistan and the North-West Frontier, Schofield draws from written records, soldiers' letters, mem-sa-ibs' journals, and travelers' tales to afford readers an intimate look inside a tumultuous region

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