Bezmara - Turkey, Splendours of Topkapi

30.07.10 | Admin


<b>Bezm&#226;r&#226; - Turkey, Splendours of Topkapi</b>
Artist:Various Artists & Bezmara Ensemble
Publisher: Label: Opus 111
Publication date: 1999
ASIN: B00000J85K
Format / Quality: Flag
Size: 188 Mb

This wonderful record is an attempt to recreate the court music of the Ottoman Empire, as it would have sounded in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The music's a little strange to the Western ear, at least at first. Most strikingly, all the tuned instruments play in unison -- what you listen for is how the melody develops and how it relates to the rhythmic cycle (called an usul) played by the drums. The compositions on this recording come from a collection notated and published in the late seventeenth century by Dmitrie Cantemir, a Moldavian Prince and scholar. The instruments the musicians use, most of which haven't been played for centuries, had to be reconstructed from paintings and old treatises on music, which makes this a kind of Turkish equivalent to "period instrument" recordings of Western classical music. In both cases, the players not only use original instruments, they try to reconstruct the original way the music was played -- giving a fresh, revitalizing perspective on it in the process. We're a long way from the bland recordings of "official" Turkish classical ensembles, which tend to flatten out the subtleties of rhythm and intonation that make this music so interesting. The melodies featured on this recording are fantastically beautiful, as is the sound (the record was made in the hall of the vizirs at Topkapi Palace in Istanbul, the place where these compositions were probably first performed); the music has a wonderful, majestic, dancing quality that makes it a joy to hear. If you want to discover what Ottoman music is all about, this is the recording to buy.


Fikret Karakaya
Fikret Karakaya, &#231;eng
Birol Yayla, kopuz, tanbur
&#350;enol Filiz, ney
Kemal Caba, kem&#226;n&#231;e
Osman K&#305;rkl&#305;k&#231;&#305;, &#351;ehrud
&#304;hsan &#214;zer, santur
Tugay Ba&#351;ar, m&#305;skal
Serap &#199;a&#287;layan, metal- & gut-string kanun
Akg&#252;n &#199;&#246;l, &#186;ud
K&#226;mil Bilgin, nakkare
Mahinur &#214;z&#252;st&#252;n, daire

Track Listings

1. Rast Pesrev - The Bezmara Ensemble, &#199;elebi, Serif
2. Taksim: Kopuz Solo - The Bezmara Ensemble, &#199;elebi, Serif
3. Rast Pesrev - The Bezmara Ensemble, &#199;elebi, Serif
4. Taksim: Ney Solo - The Bezmara Ensemble, &#199;elebi, Serif
5. Pen&#231;gah Semai - The Bezmara Ensemble, &#199;elebi, Serif
6. Taksim: Metal-String Kanun Solo - The Bezmara Ensemble, &#199;elebi, Serif
7. Neva Pesrev [Iranian] - The Bezmara Ensemble,
8. Muhayyer Pesrev [Iranian] - The Bezmara Ensemble, &#199;elebi, Serif
9. Taksim: Tanbur Solo - The Bezmara Ensemble, &#199;elebi, Serif
10. Bestenigar Pesrev - The Bezmara Ensemble, Cantemir, Dimitrie
11. Segah Semai - The Bezmara Ensemble, &#199;elebi, Ahmid
12. Taksim: 'Ud Solo - The Bezmara Ensemble, &#199;elebi, Ahmed
13. Mahur Pesrev - The Bezmara Ensemble, Giray, Gazi
14. Taksim: &#199;eng Solo - The Bezmara Ensemble, Giray, Gazi
15. Nihavend Pesrev - The Bezmara Ensemble, Mustafa, Dervis
16. Taksim: Keman&#231;e Solo - The Bezmara Ensemble, Mustafa, Dervis
17. Nisabur Pesrev - The Bezmara Ensemble, Solakzade
18. Taksim: Santur Solo - The Bezmara Ensemble, Solakzade
19. Buselik Semai - The Bezmara Ensemble,
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