Bukhara. Musical Crossroads of Asia - Audio CD

16.09.13 | yabgu

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<b>Bukhara. Musical Crossroads of Asia</b>
Artist : Various Artists
Label: Smithsonian Folkways
Publication date: 1992
Format / Quality: Mp3 320 kbit
Size: 138,4 Mb
Tracks: 13


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In Bukhara, Uzbekistan, Jewish and Musilm musicians have created a unique sound in an ancient city of narrow streets, crowded bazaars, and varied influences. These 1990 digital recordings capture the nuances of the city's finest musicians in performance. Extensive notes include a description of each recording and an introduction to Bukharan music. In 1990, Theodore Levin and Otanazar Matykubov recorded the musical life of the ancient Central Asian trade center Bukhara. Their goal was to take an audio snapshot of a city that has for centuries created an amalgam of multiple musical cultures. Classical music of Tajiks and Uzbeks mixes with Jewish and Islamic religious music, all of it overlaid with 70 years of Soviet cultural policy.


01. Tofakhon with Ensemble Nozanin - Shod-i Uforash and Ufor-i Tezash: Dilbaram Shumo
02. Mahdi Ibodov - Mavrigi
03. Tofakhon with Ensemble Nozanin - Songs from the Sozanda Repertory
04. Mahdi Ibodov with Tofakhon and Ensemble Nozanin - Murghak
05. Ochil Ibragimov and Suleiman Takhalov - Mogulcha-i Dugah
06. Izro Malakhov with Mahmudjan Tojiboev, Kuva, Zakir Bobotonov, and Urgench - Ushshaq-i Kalon
07. Saifullajan Musaev - Azan
08. Dervish Orif Bobo Hamro Ogli - Na't
09. Rakhamim Yakutelov - Yah Ribbon Olam
10. Yakub Meer Ochildiev - Reading from the Torah
11. Ochil Ibragimov - Shalom Aleichem and Kiddush
12. Muhammed Aminjon Nasriddinov - Qalandar
13. Isaac Kataev - Excerpt from the Zohar

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