Central Asia And The Anglo-Russian Frontier Question

02.11.13 | yabgu


<b>Central Asia And The Anglo-Russian Frontier Question</b>
Author: Arminius Vambery
Publisher: Smith, Elder, & Co.
Publication date: 1874
Number of pages: 396
Format / Quality: PDF
Size: 6 Mb
Language: English



The following reasons have induced me to collect and publish my political writings, chiefly relating to Central Asia, which appeared in the columns of Unsere Zeit In the first place, hitherto in Germany, and in fact throughout Europe, so little has been written during the last ten years on the events going on in the Oxus territory, and recent events have so greatly astonished every one, that, for the sake of the information and explanation necessary, the remotest recesses of travelliterature have been ransacked and investigated, and the following pages may therefore perhaps be of use to many. In the second place, these papers contain a chronological and somewhat detailed delineation of those events which have produced, in slow but sure course, the question at issue between England and Russia a question which has already become a subject of general attention, and will in future be certainly still more so, as, in the advancing course of events in these very districts of Central Asia, that die will soon be cast on which is inscribed, not the words Oxus and Indus, Etrek and Herat, but the significant motto Dominion over Asia.


The Rivalry of Russia with England in Central Asia
General Survey from 1864, ..... 1
1. Russia's Conquests in Central Asia within the last Three y ears, . * . . . y
2. The future Policy of Russia, . .17
3. Russia's Designs upon India, and the English Optimists, 26
4. The Advantages of the Russian and the Disadvantages of the English Policy, . . 36
5. Advice to England for the Averting of the Danger, 42
6. The General Interest of the Question, . ,51
Supplement — Prince GortschakofFs Despatch, 62
Fresh Advances of Russia in Central Asia (1868), . .67
Persia and Turkey (1868), . .167
Herat and the Central Asiatic Question (1869), . .198
Social Transformations in the Interior of Asia (1870), . 219
The Position of Russia in Central Asia, and the Revision of the Treaty of Paris of 1856 (1870), . . 240
The Latest Aspect of the Central Asiatic Question (1871 ), 269
A Mohammedan Conqueror in Asia (1873), 298
The Russian Campaign against Khiva (1873), 340
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