Central Asia: From the Aryan to the Cossack - 1875

01.09.09 | Admin


Central Asia: From the Aryan to the Cossack
Author: James Hutton
Publisher: Tinsley brothers
Publication date: 1875
Format / Quality: Pdf/DjVu
Size: 8,7 Mb/ 8,5 Mb





The scholarly work starts with the geographical background of the many countries located in the much varied region of Central Asia-bounded roughly on the west by Caspian sea, on the south by Persia (now Iran), Afghanistan, India and Tibet, on the east by Chinese Empire and on the north by the river Irtish. It then, goes on to describe the early history, various dynasties, kingdoms, war and peace between the kings from time to time, inhabitants and their customs, migration of population, important adventures, routes, etc. etc.

Contents :
General Outline Early History Mawaralnahr in the 10th century The Moghuls The Tatars Timour-lung Mohammed Baber: Anthnoy Jenkinson Seventeenth Century: Nadier Shah The Rival Powers Khiva Bokhara Bokhara-Russianized Chinese Tatary Eastern Toorkestan The Ameer or Kashgar Badakshan Pameer The Khivan Expedition

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