Fazil Say.Nazim Oratoryosu (Nazim Oratorio)

17.04.12 | Admin


<b>Naz&#305;m Oratoryosu (Naz&#305;m Oratorio) for Chorus, Soloists, Piano, Narrator and Orchestra</b>
Director & Composer: Faz&#305;l Say
Studio: Kanal D Home Video
Publication date: 2006
Subtitles: English


Say’&#305;n m&#252;zi&#287;i ile ‘N&#226;z&#305;m &#351;iirleri’…

Faz&#305;l Say’&#305;n koro ve orkestra i&#231;in 2001 y&#305;l&#305;nda besteledi&#287;i ve be&#351; farkl&#305; b&#246;l&#252;mden olu&#351;an N&#226;z&#305;m Oratoryosu’nda “Gen&#231;likte” (&#220;&#231; Selvi, A&#231;lar&#305;n G&#246;zbebekleri, Kerem Gibi), “Hapishanede” (Dizboyu Karl&#305; Bir Gece, Pazar, Ben &#304;&#231;eri D&#252;&#351;t&#252;&#287;&#252;mden Beri, Yatar Bursa Kalesinde), ”&#304;nsan &#220;zre” (Hapisten &#199;&#305;kt&#305;ktan Sonra, K&#305;z &#199;ocu&#287;u, Hiro&#351;ima, Nereden Gelip Nereye Gidiyoruz?), “Memleket &#220;zre“
(Vatan Haini, &#350;ehitler, Davet; Memleketim) ve final b&#246;l&#252;m&#252;nde ise “Ya&#351;amaya Dair” seslendirilecek.

Faz&#305;l Say

Faz&#305;l Say (born January 14, 1970), is a Turkish pianist and composer born in Ankara, Turkey.
Born in 1970 in Ankara, Turkey, Faz&#305;l Say started playing the piano at the age of four. He continued his music training in Ankara State Conservatory as a student of Special Status for Highly Talented Children and graduated from piano and composition in 1987. At the age of seventeen he was awarded a scholarship that enabled him to study for five years with David Levine at the Robert Schumann Institute in D&#252;sseldorf. He earned his diploma in Germany in 1991 as Concerto Soloist and became a piano and chamber music teacher in 1992 in Berlin Performing Arts and Music Academy. Say won the Europe Young Concert Soloists Competition in 1994 and then the Young Concert Artists International Auditions held in New York in 1995.[1] Besides playing the piano, he has composed many oratorios, piano concertos, pieces of music for chamber, orchestra and piano and many other songs.[2]
Some of his compositions include Naz&#305;m and Requiem for Metin Alt&#305;ok, four piano concertos, his orchestra piece Albert Einstein commissioned by Zurich Orchestra and his ballet named Patara which is commissioned by Wien Mozart Committee and was composed for Mozart's 250th birth year celebration.
He has performed with New York Philharmonic, Detroit Symphony, Berlin Symphony, Czech Philharmonic, Israel Philharmonic, Saint Petersburg Philharmonic, Orchestre National de France and Tokyo Symphony.

He performed an open air concert as the closing of 2007 Florence Festival with Florence Orchestra conducted by Zubin Mehta and had an audience of more than twenty thousand listeners. Again in 2007, he was the head of the piano jury of Montreux Jazz Festival. His CD which also includes Say's piano composition that was inspired by Turkish Folk singer and poet Asik Veysel's song named Black Earth was listed in 6th place on American Billboards.
In 2008, he was appointed as Culture Ambassador by the European Union and he aims to set up a new bridge between eastern and western cultures.
In 2009 Say was commissioned by Konzerthaus Dortmund and WDR to compose the Istanbul Symphony, for which the Turkey premiere was held in Istanbul on 25 December 2010, on the last day of a series of concerts on the Fazil Say Festival. The 3-day event was dedicated to the works of Say and included performances by Fazil Say, Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra, and other artists.
&#350;ef: &#304;brahim Yaz&#305;c&#305;; Orkestra: Bilkent Senfoni Orkestras&#305;; Solist: Genco Erkal, Zuhal Olcay, G&#252;ven&#231; Da&#287;&#252;st&#252;n

Faz&#305;l Say'dan Unutulmaz Yorumlar; M&#252;thi&#351; Bir Orkestra Ve B&#252;y&#252;leyici Bir Konser... "Naz&#305;m Faz&#305;l Say" Konser DVD'sine Ar&#351;ivinizde &#214;zel Bir Yer Ay&#305;r&#305;n.

Faz&#305;l Say'&#305;n Naz&#305;m ba&#351;l&#305;&#287;&#305; alt&#305;nda besteledi&#287;i eser, &#351;ark&#305;c&#305;lar&#305;n ve &#351;iir sunucusunun yan&#305; s&#305;ra, geni&#351; bir karma koronun ve senfonik orkestran&#305;n ifade olanaklar&#305;n&#305; kullan&#305;rken, kimi yerde usulca duyurulan lirik havay&#305;, kimi yerde y&#252;ksek ses g&#252;rl&#252;l&#252;&#287;&#252; ile hayk&#305;ran bir toks&#246;zl&#252;l&#252;&#287;&#252; i&#231;ermektedir. M&#252;zik, hem &#351;iirlerin yo&#287;un anlat&#305;m g&#252;c&#252;n&#252; vurgulamay&#305; &#252;stlenmi&#351;, hem de ba&#351;l&#305; ba&#351;&#305;na duygusal y&#252;kseli&#351;i temsil etmektedir. "Naz&#305;m", opera, oratoryo gibi sahne m&#252;ziklerine yak&#305;nl&#305;k g&#246;stermekte, ancak kurulu&#351;u ve i&#231;eri&#287;iyle onlardan ayr&#305;lmaktad&#305;r. Birbirine ba&#287;l&#305; be&#351; b&#246;l&#252;mden olu&#351;an ve "&#246;zg&#252;r form" yap&#305;s&#305;yla yakla&#351;&#305;k 70 dk. s&#252;ren eser makamsal, tonal ve atonal tekniklerle genelde halk m&#252;zi&#287;imizin renklerinden yararlanmakta, &#351;iirle m&#252;zi&#287;in g&#246;rkemli bile&#351;imini yans&#305;tmaktad&#305;r.

&#350;iirle m&#252;zi&#287;in sarmall&#305;&#287;&#305;ndan kaynaklanan atmosfer, yorumcular&#305;n i&#231;tenli&#287;i ile daha da renklendirilmi&#351;tir. Genco Erkal, &#351;iirlerdeki g&#252;&#231;l&#252; ifade &#246;zelliklerini b&#252;y&#252;k bir duyarl&#305;l&#305;kla dile getirirken,s&#246;yledi&#287;i &#351;ark&#305;larla &#351;iir ve melodiyi kayna&#351;t&#305;ran Zuhal Olcay ise Faz&#305;l Say'&#305;n piyano e&#351;li&#287;i ile b&#252;t&#252;nle&#351;mektedir. Karma koronun ve senfonik orkestran&#305;n zengin ses rengi olanaklar&#305; ise konserdeki &#351;iirsel ve m&#252;zikal anlam&#305; b&#252;t&#252;n&#252;yle birle&#351;tirmektedir. T&#305;pk&#305; Naz&#305;m'&#305;n m&#305;sralar&#305;ndaki i&#231; sesler ve yar&#305;m kafiye mayas&#305;n&#305;n &#351;iiri b&#252;t&#252;nlemesi gibi...T&#305;pk&#305; co&#351;ku ile kabaran ve g&#252;r&#252;l g&#252;r&#252;l akan bir &#351;iirin sizi al&#305;p s&#252;r&#252;klemesi gibi...
Aspendos Tiyatrosu'nun b&#252;y&#252;leyici atmosferinde unutamayaca&#287;&#305;n&#305;z m&#252;thi&#351; bir konser.

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