Gallipoli: The Turkish Story

03.02.10 | Admin


Gallipoli: The Turkish Story
Author: Kevin Fewster, Vecihi Basarin, Hatice Basarin
Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Publication date: 2003
ISBN: 1741140455
Number of pages: 184
Format / Quality: PDF
Size: 1,5 Mb

Offering interviews with Turkish survivors of the Gallipoli campaign, insights from their descendants, and more than 50 photographs [not included in the pdf version] from the Turkish side of the trenches, this is the story of the infamous World War I battle from the Turkish perspective. This portrayal of the Battle of Canakkale, as the Turks call it, paints a richer portrait of the past and broadens the knowledge and understanding of this tragic event. This battle has become a common bond between Turkey and the Australians and New Zealanders against whom they fought, and this book presents a point of view which is of growing interest.


List of maps viii
Acknowledgements ix
A note on terminology xi
Place names on the peninsula xiii
Pronunciation of the Turkish alphabet xv
Turkish/Ottoman history: A brief chronology xvi

Introduction 1

1 A special bond 6
2 A proud heritage 29
3 Defending the homeland 49
4 ‘...a brave and tenacious enemy’ 78
5 Honour is restored 102
6 From Atatürk to Anzac Day 130

Postscript: Symbols for tomorrow? 147

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