Grammar of the Turkish language.

02.08.13 | yabgu


<b>Grammar of the Turkish language.</b>
Author: Arthur Lumley Davids
Publisher: London : Parbury & Allen
Publication date: 1832
Number of pages: 432
Format / Quality: PDF
Size: 13.8 Mb
Language: English

Central A sia, extending from the The name Northern Ocean to the confines of Persia, India and China, and from the Gulf to the Turkish of Corea to the shores of the Caspian, have received from the nations of Europe the undistinguishing name of Tartarsa. This appellation, unknown to most of the people to whom it is applied, is a corruption of the Oriental J3S Tatar, the designation of a tribe derived, according to A bulghazi and other Mohammedan authors, from a prince of that name, who, with his brother Mongol, was descended from the race of Turk. Some of the Eastern writers have derived the name li lS Tatar from a river, on the banks of which was the original seat of this tribe; but all coincide in employing the term as the designation of a particular body of people, and not as that of a race. The alteration of this name into Tartar, by the Latin writers of the thirteenth century, appears to have arisen from the similarity of its sound to their own Tartarus; the corruption being rendered somewhat appropriate by the terrors which the incursions of Tchingis Khan and his descendants excited0. The term Tartar is therefore not only vague and indefinite, but also improper; and can only be compared to the equally undistinguishing name CJ jji Frank, by which, as if actuated by a desire of retaliation, the Orientals designate the various nations of Europe. In reducing to its proper compass so extensive an appellation, Physiology (a) Remusat Recherches sur les Langues Tartares, torn. I. p. 1. () JJ js AijW A bulghazi Bahadur Chani Hist. Mongol. et Tartar. nunc prim. ed. a C. M. Froehn. fol. Casan, 1825. Hist. Gen. des Tartars, c. p. 27. (c) The words of St. Louis to his Mother are remarkable: Erigat nos, Mater, cceleste solatium, quia, si perveniant ipsi, vel nos ipsos quos vocamus Tartaros, ad suas Tartareas sales unde exierunt retrudemus, vel ipsi nos omnes ad coelu
(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)
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