Hazine-i lugat: Dictionnaire abrege turc-francais.

11.03.13 | Admin


<b> Hazine-i lugat: Dictionnaire abr&#233;g&#233; turc-fran&#231;ais.</b>
Author: Artin Hindo&#287;lu
Publisher: Viyana Antoine Noble de Schmit Matbaas&#305;
Publication date: 1838
Number of pages: 516+2 S.
Format / Quality: PDF
Size: 29,83 Mb
Language: Ottoman Turkish

Artin Hindo&#287;lu was a 19th century Ottoman etymologist, interpreter, professor, linguist, and writer of the first modern French-Turkish dictionary.
Of Armenian descent, Artin Hindo&#287;lu was born in Constantinople and lived there until 10 years old.[1] His family were natives of K&#252;tahya.[3] He moved to Austria in 1812 and became a professor from 1824-1831.[1] He was then appointed as interpreter for the Emperor of the Austrian Empire.[1]


His first known publication was in Vienna in 1829 where he published a Ottoman Turkish grammar book for the comprehension of ordinary conversation. The work was later translated into into French and published in 1834 under the title "Grammaire th&#233;orique et pratique de la langue turke telle qu'elle est parl&#233;e &#224; Constantinople"(English: Theoretical and practical grammar of the Turkish language as spoken in Constantinople).[1][4] In 1830, he wrote a German-Armenian dictionary and had it published in Venice at the Armenian Mekhitarist monastery at the San Lazzaro degli Armeni.[5] In 1838, Artin Hindo&#287;lu wrote the Dictionnaire Abr&#233;g&#233; Fran&#231;ais-Turc (English:French-Turkish Abridged Dictionary), a French-Turkish dictionary which became the first of its kind.[
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