Heykel ve mitoloji / Mythology and sculpture

18.05.13 | yabgu


Heykel ve mitoloji / Mythology and sculpture
Author: Güneş Çınar
Publisher: Istanbul
Publication date: 2006
Number of pages: 124
Format / Quality: PDF
Size: 1,7 Мb
Language: Turkish

ÖZET ‘Mitos’ Yunanca söz, öykü demektir. Mitler, kaynakland›¤› toplulu¤un kültürel özelliklerini, inan›fllar›n›, yerkürenin ve canl›lar›n ortaya ç›k›fl›n› aç›klayan öykülerdir. Mitoloji ise mitlerin ortaya ç›k›fl›n›, yaflad›¤› de¤iflimleri inceleyen ve onlar› yorumlayan bir bilimdir. ‹nsan düflüncesinin geliflim sürecinde, do¤ay› kavrama aç›s›ndan önemli birer bafllang›ç belgeleri olan mitler, masallar ve söylenceler insanl›¤›n tarihsel serüvenini ö¤renmede bize yararl› bilgiler sunmufllard›r. Bilim ve sanat yoluyla günümüze ulaflan mitler, birçok disiplinin ilgi alan›na girmektedir; felsefe, psikoloji, sosyoloji, antropoloji, tarih, edebiyat, müzik, tiyatro, sinema, mimari, resim ve heykel bu disiplinlerden baz›lar›d›r. Bu disiplinler aras›nda mimari ve heykel en eski anlat›mlar›n örneklerini günümüze tafl›rlar. Mitoloji ve heykel iliflkisine dair s›n›rs›z say›da örne¤e rastlar›z. Mezopotamya, M›s›r, Yunan, Anadolu, Hint, Maya, Aztek uygarl›klar›n›n inanca dayanan mitolojileri sadece kendi kültür ve sanat›na de¤il, kendinden sonraki kültürlerin sanatsal geliflimi üzerinde etkin olmufllard›r. 20. yüzy›l heykel sanat›nda, ilkça¤ uygarl›klar›n›n sanat ürünlerinin ve mitolojilerinin etkilerini görmeye devam ederiz. Ancak mitolojik anlat›lar, ilkça¤ uygarl›klar›ndan farkl› olarak inançla iliflkili de¤ildir, bugüne ait siyasal, sosyal ve bilimsel geliflmeler ve bunlara elefltirel bir bak›fl› amaçlayan metaforlar olarak kullan›l›rlar. Bilinmeyen, tan›mlanamayan, korkulan olaylar karfl›s›nda mitler yaratan insan›n, var oldu¤u süre boyunca, bu üretimini sürdürece¤i ve yarat›lan yeni mitlerin, sanata ilham vermeye devam edece¤ini düflünmek çok yanl›fl olmayacakt›r. Anahtar Kelimeler: Mit, Mitoloji, Masal, Sanat, Heykel.

SUMMARY “Mitos” means word or story in Greek. Myths are stories that describe the cultural characteristics, beliefs, and the formation of the earth and living beings from which a particular society stems. Mythology on the other hand is a science that researches the creation of myths and their evolution, and interprets them. Being significant foundation documents in terms of understanding the nature in the process of the evolution of the human thought, the myths, fairy tales, and legends have offered us useful information for learning about the historical adventure of humanity. Reaching the present time by means of science and arts, the myths are included in the area of interest in many disciplines; philosophy, psychology, sociology, anthropology, history, literature, music, theatre, cinema, architecture, painting, and sculpture are among these disciplines. Architecture and sculpture particularly carry the most ancient expression models into our time. We run into endless number of examples in terms of mythology and sculpture relations. Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Greek, Anatolian, Indian, Mayan, and Aztec civilizations’ mythologies based on belief have not only influenced their own culture and arts, but also the artistic development of the cultures that followed them. We continue to observe the influence of artistic works and mythologies of the ancient civilizations in the 20 century sculpture art. However, contrary to ancient th civilizations, mythological stories are not related to belief, they are actually used as metaphors to track down the political, social, and scientific developments and help building a critical approach to them. Creating myths when faced with unknown and frightening occurrences that defy explanation, it wouldn’t be too out of place to assume that the humans will continue to do so as long as they exist, and the newly created myths will continue to inspire arts. Key Words: Myth, Mythology, Fairy Tale, Arts, Sculpture.
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