Historical dictionary of Azerbaijan

22.10.13 | yabgu


Historical dictionary of Azerbaijan
Author: Tadeusz Swietochowski
Publisher: Scarecrow Press
Publication date: 2008
ISBN: 9780585179612
Number of pages: 300
Format / Quality: epub
Size: 3,4 Mb

The history of Azerbaijan is a chronology of its domination. Its most recent ruler was the USSR, but Azerbaijan has been within the boundaries of many conquerors from the Medians to Alexander the Great to the Arabs and Turks. Through the long history of foreign occupations, the Azeris have preserved a national identity and they have periodically generated local leaders. With the recent break up of the USSR, Azerbaijan can once again assert itself as an independent nation. Strategically located and of economic interest to other nations, Azerbaijan cannot be ignored. The Azeris are united by their language, Azeris, their religion, Islam, and a common history - See more at: uz-translations.uz/?category=azdics-azeri&altname=historical_dictionary_of_azerbaijan#sthash.uzZNB24O.dpuf
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