Matlubeh - The Turquoise Of Samarkand - Uzbek folk and classical songs

28.10.10 | uniqalt


<b>The Turquoise Of Samarkand - Uzbek folk and classical songs</b>
Artist: Matlubeh Dadabayeva
Label : Long distance
Publication date: 1996
Format / Quality: MP3
Size: 70,8 Mb
Total time : 51' 51''

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Singing in her native Tadjiki, as well as Uzbeki, Matlubeh Dadabyeva is known as one of the greatest singers of classical and folk music in Uzbekistan. University and conservatory trained, Matlubeh is accompanied on this recording by classical music master Turgun Alimatov and other top musicians on multiple string instruments and hand drums.


... Matlubeh Dadabayeva, originally from a Tadjiki village near Samarkand, who sings both in the Persian-related Tadjiki and the more Turkish-connected Uzbeki, and is well-respected for her singing of both folk and classical Uzbeki music. The Turquoise Of Samarkand is devoted to her, accompanied by lutes - the ud, tanbur, dotâr plucked and the sato bowed - the spike fiddle ghichak - and the large circular frame drum, dâyera. Playing the tanbur and sato is one of her main mentors, Turgun Alimatov. As in all this music, the accompaniments tend to be more or less monophonic, the plucked strings stressing the rhythm, or reiterating and, like the bowed strings following and sliding with the voice.
Matlubeh Dadabayeva, vocals ; with Turgun Alimatov, tanbur, sato ; Rahmatollah Samadov, dâyera ; Morad Naz Gaziov, ghichak ; Nabi Djan Ziaov, ud ; Asrar Aslanov, tanbur ; Malakeh Ziaov, Alishir Alimatov, dotâr.

Sung in Uzbek and Tajik


01 - Delbare Djanane
02 - Koshchenar
03 - Tanawar
04 - Namangan Almasi
05 - Maydah-Maydah
06 - Yulbuse sun
07 - Oshaq Samarkand
08 - Sanameh
09 - Ateh-anah
10 - Amanyar
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