Mercan Dede: Meylana Jalaleddin-I Rumi - 800 - Audio CD

03.07.10 | Admin


<b>Meylana Jalaleddin-I Rumi - 800</b>
Artist: Mercan Dede
Publisher: Doublemoon
Publication date: 2007
Format / Quality: MP3 320 Kbps
Size: 180 Mb
Tracks: 11

In the 13th century, the Islamic Sufi poet and mystic Mevlana Jelaleddin Rumi became famous for whirling in the streets with religious joy - a practice that led to the founding of the Whirling Dervishes by his followers. Eight hundred years on from Rumi's birth comes this celebration album from the best-known Turkish exponent of electronica and "spiritual clubbing". Now based in Montreal, Dede has assembled a global cast for his project, with leading Turkish musicians playing anything from trumpet and trombones to the zither-like kanun and the kemence (fiddle), matched against a Swiss bass player and the Indian tabla exponent Shankar Das. Dede wrote the music, which is partly influenced by songs from Istanbul and the Sufi tradition, and adds the ney flute, percussion and, of course, the electronic sounds. The result is a confident and sophisticated set, in which Dede's beats are never allowed to dominate the impressive instrumental work by his musicians, and even the appearances by Turkey's best-known rapper, Ceza, never disturb the swirling mood music. It's all very classy

Celebrating the 800th birthday of Meylana Jalaleddin-I Rumi, Mercan Dede releases his new album, 800, with themes of Religious Tolerance and Peace. The essence of Sufism, Rumi taught, is counterpoint, everything exists with its opposite. Such a notion is superbly reflected in Dede's latest album that sees Persian, Indian, Turkish and Western music come together to form an impressive sound. The contrast between electronica and classical or folkloric arts cuts to the core of the Sufi philosophy that guides this one-of-a-kind artist. 800 proves to be a captivating and natural step in Dede's long an innovative career.

Mercan Dede is selected as "Best Album of the Year" and "Best World Music Artist" with his album 800 by the votes of Radio Bogazici's listeners and Bogazici University students. He will be receiving his awards with a ceremony on 14th of May. The award ceremony of "5th Radio Bogazici Music Awards" will take place at Bogazici University BUMED upper garden with its fascinating atmosphere.

Track list:

M&#252;zik: Mercan Dede S&#246;z: Ceza Vokal, &#350;iir: Nar (Tu&#287;&#231;e &#350;eno&#287;ul) Rap: Ceza
2.Yol Ge&#231;en Han&#305;
M&#252;zik: Mercan Dede &#350;iir: Hayrullah Ers&#246;z (yal&#305;nayak ba&#351;&#305; kabak)
M&#252;zik: Mercan Dede &#350;iir &#304;ntro: Tevhide
4.Kanatlar Kitabi (Book of Wings)
M&#252;zik: Mercan Dede &#350;iir: Tanya Evanson
5.G&#252;ne&#351; Do&#287;udan Do&#287;ar
M&#252;zik: Mercan Dede
6.Bilinmezin El&#231;ileri
M&#252;zik: Mercan Dede &#350;iir: Tanya Evanson
M&#252;zik: Mercan Dede S&#246;z: Y&#305;ld&#305;z Tilbe, Ceza Vokal: Y&#305;ld&#305;z Tilbe Rap: Ceza
8.Pamuk Prenses ve Yedi C&#252;celer, Ali Baba ve K&#305;rk Haramiler'e Kar&#351;&#305;
M&#252;zik: Mercan Dede
M&#252;zik: Mercan Dede - (Eski bir &#304;stanbul tutkusu olan “&#220;sk&#252;dar” t&#252;rk&#252;s&#252;ne ithafen)
10.Denizk&#305;z&#305; &#304;lahisi
M&#252;zik: Mercan Dede, Mich Gerber
M&#252;zik: Mercan Dede - (Geleneksel Segah Ilahi “Dervislik Bastadir, Tacda De&#287;ildir” ile y&#252;re&#287;imizde yanan Yunus’a ithafen) &#350;iir: Hayrullah Ers&#246;z ( yal&#305;nayakba&#351;&#305;kabak)
Celebrating the 800th year of Mevlana Jalaleddin-i Rumi's birth, the Turkish Canadian artist Mercan Dede releases his new album with themes of peace and religious tolerance, an excellent sequel to his popular previous albums. The album features prominent musicians from various cultures, and the percussion elements come from the Indian and Persian music rather than the traditional Turkish music. Participating musicians include the Swiss Mich Gerber (bass), the Persian Ziya Tabassian (percussion), the Indian Shankar Das (with percussion instruments foreign to Turkish music), the Chinese Shen-Qi (erhu), the Canadian Ben Grosman (hurdy-gurdy). The Turkish participating musicians include Metehan &#199;ift&#231;i (santur), Ismail Tun&#231;bilek (baglama), G&#246;ksel Baktagir (quanun), Neva &#214;zgen (kemenche), and Yurdal Tokcan (oud). Prominent rap musician Ceza and the folk musician Yildiz Tilbe are also featured in the album.

Mercan Dede yeni alb&#252;m&#252; “800” ile d&#252;nyaya bar&#305;&#351; mesaj&#305; veriyor.

2007’nin Mevlana’n&#305;n do&#287;umunun 800. y&#305;l&#305; olmas&#305; nedeniyle “800”&#252; Mevlana’ya adayan Mercan Dede, bu yeni alb&#252;m&#252;nde i&#351;ledi&#287;i bar&#305;&#351; temas&#305;yla, Mevlana’n&#305;n “gel ne olursan ol, yine gel” s&#246;z&#252;n&#252; bir kez daha hat&#305;rlat&#305;yor dinleyene.

&#199;a&#287;da&#351; dervi&#351;, g&#246;n&#252;l adam&#305; Mercan Dede yeni alb&#252;m&#252; “800” ile farkl&#305; k&#252;lt&#252;rlerden bir &#231;ok usta m&#252;zisyeni konuk ediyor alb&#252;m&#252;ne. Konuk m&#252;zisyenlerin kendi &#252;lkelerinin geleneksel m&#252;zik birikimlerini de ta&#351;&#305;d&#305;&#287;&#305; “800” dolay&#305;s&#305;yla al&#305;&#351;k&#305;n oldu&#287;umuz T&#252;rk vurmal&#305; &#231;alg&#305;lar yerine, Hint ve &#304;ran vurmal&#305;lar&#305;yla &#246;ne &#231;&#305;k&#305;yor. &#304;svi&#231;reli Mich Gerber (bas), &#304;ranl&#305; Ziya Tabassian (perk&#252;syon), T&#252;rk M&#252;zi&#287;inde a&#351;ina olmad&#305;&#287;&#305;m&#305;z sazlar&#305;yla Hintli Shankar Das (dolak ve tabla), &#199;inli Shen-Qi (erhu), Kanadal&#305; Ben Grosman (hurdy-gurdy)’&#305;n yan&#305; s&#305;ra; Metehan &#199;ift&#231;i (santur), &#304;smail Tun&#231;bilek (ba&#287;lama), G&#246;ksel Baktagir (kanun), Neva &#214;zgen (kemen&#231;e),Yurdal Tokcan (ut) gibi daha bir &#231;ok &#246;nemli isim enstr&#252;manlar&#305;yla e&#351;lik ediyor. “800”de Mercan Dede’nin m&#252;zi&#287;ine yorumlar&#305;yla Ceza ve Y&#305;ld&#305;z Tilbe de farkl&#305; bir renk kat&#305;yor.

&#199;ok sesli, &#231;ok ruhlu bir alb&#252;m “800”. Elektronik alt yap&#305;n&#305;n sanat&#231;&#305;n&#305;n di&#287;er alb&#252;mlerine g&#246;re daha fazla hissedildi&#287;i “800”de, ayn&#305; zamanda halk m&#252;zi&#287;i ve -her zamanki gibi- tasavvuf m&#252;zi&#287;ine dair motiflere de rastlamak m&#252;mk&#252;n. Do&#287;u’nun mistik havas&#305;, b&#252;y&#252;l&#252; ruhu hakim “800”’de. Modern olanla yerel olan&#305;n birle&#351;mesi, bir yan&#305;yla da dijital ve akusti&#287;in bulu&#351;ma noktas&#305; diyebiliriz bu alb&#252;me. Yani Y&#305;ld&#305;z Tilbe’nin s&#246;yledi&#287;i “Tutsak” adl&#305; &#351;ark&#305;s&#305;nda gibi, “g&#252;ne&#351;ten s&#305;cak, sudan &#231;&#305;plak” bir alb&#252;mle geliyor Mercan Dede.

Mercan Dede’nin bestelerinden olu&#351;an toplam on bir par&#231;an&#305;n yer ald&#305;&#287;&#305; alb&#252;mde Hayrullah Ers&#246;z’&#252;n “yal&#305;nayakba&#351;&#305;kabak” &#351;iirinden al&#305;nt&#305;larla Yunus Emre’ye ithafen yaz&#305;lm&#305;&#351; “Nerdesin” adl&#305; par&#231;an&#305;n yan&#305; s&#305;ra, alb&#252;me ad&#305;n&#305; veren “800”, “Tutsak”, “Mercanistan”, “Pamuk Prenses ve Yedi C&#252;celer, Ali Baba ve K&#305;rk Haramiler’e Kar&#351;&#305;” adl&#305; par&#231;alar dikkat &#231;ekiyor. H&#252;manist bir s&#246;ylem, g&#246;n&#252;l g&#246;z&#252;yle d&#252;nyaya bakan, a&#351;kla hayat&#305; kar&#351;&#305;layan par&#231;alar bunlar. Mevlana’n&#305;n y&#252;ce g&#246;nl&#252;n&#252;, ruh ustal&#305;&#287;&#305;n&#305; da yans&#305;tmaya &#231;al&#305;&#351;&#305;yor Mercan Dede. Ve elbetteki “&#252;fleyenin” sanat&#305;n&#305; da incelikle ta&#351;&#305;yor dinleyene...

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