Phenomenology and Mysticism: The Verticality of Religious Experience

11.03.10 | Admin


Phenomenology and Mysticism: The Verticality of Religious Experience
Author: Anthony J. Steinbock
Publisher: Indiana University Press
Publication date: 2007
ISBN: 0253349346
Number of pages: 328
Format / Quality: PDF
Size: 1,3 Mb
Language: English

Exploring the first-person narratives of three figures from the Christian, Jewish, and Islamic mystical traditions--St. Teresa of Avila, Rabbi Dov Baer, and Rūzbihān Baqlī, Anthony J. Steinbock provides a full phenomenology of mysticism based in the Abrahamic religious traditions. Steinbock relates a broad range of religious experiences, or verticality, to the many philosophical problems of evidence, selfhood, and otherness. From this philosophical description of vertical experience, Steinbock develops a social and cultural critique in terms of idolatry--as pride, secularism, and fundamentalism--and suggests that contemporary understandings of human experience must come from a fuller, more open view of religious experience. This careful study will interest all readers of philosophy and religion.

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