Shamanism (Mysteries, Legends, and Unexplained Phenomena) - 2008

10.01.10 | yabgu


Shamanism (Mysteries, Legends, and Unexplained Phenomena)
Author: Robert M. Place
Publisher: Chelsea House Publications
Publication date: 2008
ISBN: 0791093964
Number of pages: 119
Format / Quality: PDF
Size: 2,3 Mb

From the beginning of human history, there have been magical people with special powers that others look up to or go to for help. Called magicians, witch doctors, medicine men, sorcerers, or witches, all practice shamanism. Shamans are believed to talk to God, the gods, animals, or even plants, and follow a path to wisdom, health, personal confidence, and other good things. In cultures with shamanic traditions, shamans can cure illness, divine the future, locate food, appease restless spirits, influence weather, and guide their people. "Shamanism" explores the history of this ancient power from prehistory to the New Age, detailing the different forms shamanism can take in various cultures, what its practitioners do, and what tools are used.Chapters include: The History of Shamanism; Shamanic Tools; The Initiation; A Shamanic Journey; and Shamanism Past and Present.

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