The Book of Sufi Healing

05.11.11 | yabgu


<b>The Book of Sufi Healing </b>
Author: Shaykh Hakim Moinuddin Chisti
Publisher: Inner Traditions Bear and Company
ISBN-10: 0892810432
Publication date: 1985
Number of pages: 189
Format / Quality: PDF
Size: 76.82 Mb
Language: English

The author, Shaykh Hakim Moinuddin Chisti (Dr. Hakim Chishti) is a naturopathic physician and one of the few practitioners of Unani al-tibb in North America as well as a Fulbright Research Scholar. While conducting research in Afghanistan, he studied Unani medicine under the tutelage of a traditional practitioner, and has since participated in numerous international health symposia in Afghanistan, India, and Pakistan. Working from original material, he has translated into English the standard textbook of Avicenna on Unani medicine, Mizan-ul-Tibb ("The Canon of Medicine"). He is the author of "The Traditional Healer's Handbook" (Healing Arts Press, 1991), based on the foregoing translation.

For the Sufis within the mystic branches of Islam, the healing of the sick is considered to be the most important of all services to humanity. For the first time in the West, the author presents the secret principles and practices of this divine science, based on the 800-year tradition of the Chishti Order, to which the author belongs. The Chishti Order is a Sufi order which was founded in Chisht, a small town near Herat, in Western Afghanistan about 930 C.E. and continues to this day. The Chishti Order is known for its emphasis on love, tolerance, and openness, and "service to humanity" in the form of healing is one of the nine principles of the order first enunciated by Abu Ishaq Shami ("the Syrian"), its revered founder.

Among the many topics covered in "The Book of Sufi Healing" are dietary recommendations of the Prophet, the preparation of herbal formulas, healing with essential oils, the characteristics of illnesses arising at various stages of the soul's evolution, the therapeutic applications of fasting, prayer and correct breathing, the manufacture and use of talismans to maintain, restore and promote good health and the "infallible remedy."

Dr. Chishti has produced a truly wonderful, uplifting work, a veritable pharmacopoeia of Quranic verses (among other therapeutic modalities) relating to specific ailments affecting our spiritual and physical beings as well as a number of valuable chapters containing practical guidance for detoxification measures, diagnosis, the use of the Divine Names in the treatment of possession, and the use of spiritual geometric designs ("Taweez," akin in form and purpose to the Indian "Yantra") that have traditionally been used for healing. In addition to its detailed, very clear treatment of the Sufi healing tradition, Dr. Chishti's work is an excellent general introduction to the subject of Sufism for any serious student.

"The Book of Sufi Healing" is a work that should be read by anyone who wishes to acquire an in-depth knowledge of Sufism's and Islam's traditional healing practices as well as Sufism and its place in Islam more generally.
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