The Crusades Reference Library - Gale U.X.L - 2005

01.04.09 | Xurshid


The Crusades Reference Library - Gale U.X.L - 2005
Author: Michael J. O Neal
Publisher: UXL - 2005
Format / Quality: Pdf
Size: 51.3 Mb

The Crusades: Almanac discusses various topics, including the conquering of Jerusalem by the caliph Umar, pilgrimages to the Holy Land, the traditions of chivalry, Shiites and Sunnis, territorial expansion and colonization as motivations for the crusades, Knights Hospitalers and Knights Templars and more.
The Crusades: Biographies explores many key figures, such as Pope Urban II, Saladin, Pope Innocent III, Peter the Hermit, Richard I of England, Frederick I of Germany, Francis of Assisi, Stephen of Cloyes and others.
The Crusades: Primary Sources includes full or excerpted papal documents, first person accounts (William of Tyre, Anna Comnena, Fulcher of Chartes, and others), various truces, military records and the Magna Carta.

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