The Crusades Through Arab Eyes - Amin Maalouf
Author: Amin Maalouf - نجيب محفوظ
Publisher: Dar Al Farabi
Publication date: 1998
ISBN: 9961903285
Number of pages: 351
Format / Quality: PDF/DjVu
Size: 9,28 Mb
Language: Arabic (French-Russian)
Цитата:الحروب الصليبية كما رآها العرب بقلم أمين معلوف
امين معلوف أديب وصحافي لبناني ولد في بيروت في 25 فبراير 1949 م، وامتهن الصحافة بعد تخرجه فعمل في الملحق الاقتصادي لجريدة النهار البيروتية الشهيرة التي تعتبر من أهم الصحف اللبنانية.
في عام 1976 م انتقل إلى فرنسا حيث عمل في مجلة إيكونوميا الاقتصادية، واستمر في عمله الصحفي فرأس تحرير مجلة "إفريقيا الفتاة" أو "جين أفريك"، وكذلك استمر في العمل مع جريدة النهار اللبنانية وفي ربيبتها المسماة النهار العربي والدولي.
أصدر أول رواياته الحروب الصليبية كما رآها العرب عام 1983 م عن دار النشر لاتيس التي صارت دار النشر المتخصصة في أعماله. ترجمت أعماله إلى لغات عديدة ونال عدة جوائز أدبية فرنسية منها جائزة الصداقة الفرنسية العربية عام 1986 م عن روايته ليون الإفريقي، وحاز على جائزة الجونكور، كبرى الجوائز الأدبية الفرنسية، عام 1993 عن روايته صخرة طانيوس.
Цитата:The Crusades Through Arab Eyes by Amin Maalouf
Amin Maalouf , born 25 February 1949 in Beirut, is a Lebanese author. He writes in French, and his works have been translated into many languages. He received the Prix Goncourt in 1993 for his novel Rock of Tanios.
He was the second of four children. His parents' families were from the Lebanese mountain village of Ain el Kabou. They had married in Cairo in 1945, where Odette, his mother, was born of a Maronite Christian father from the village, who had left to work in Egypt, and a mother born in Turkey. Amin's father, Ruchdi, was from the Melkite Greek Catholic community. One of his ancestors was a priest whose son converted to become a Presbyterian parson. The parson's son (Maalouf's grandfather) was a "rationalist, anticlerical, probably a freemason, and refused to baptise his children". While the Protestant branch of the family sent their children to British or American schools, Maalouf's mother was a staunch Catholic who insisted on sending him to French Jesuit school. He studied sociology at the French University in Beirut.He worked as the former director of the Beirut daily an-Nahar in Beirut until the start of the civil war in 1975, when he moved to Paris as a refugee. He still lives there today.
Maalouf's novels are marked by his experiences of civil war and migration. Their characters are itinerant voyagers between lands, languages, and religions.
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