The Turk and His Lost Provinces: Greece, Bulgaria, Servia, Bosnia

12.10.13 | yabgu


<b>The Turk and His Lost Provinces: Greece, Bulgaria, Servia, Bosnia</b>
Author: William Eleroy Curtis
Publisher: Forgotten Books
Publication date: 1903
Number of pages: 452
Format / Quality: PDF
Size: 62,9 Мb
Language: English

A rare, albeit grossly anti-Turkish, chronicle from the last years of the Ottoman Empire by W. E. Curtis (1850-1911), an American author and journalist. His works include: The Yankees of the East, Sketches of Modern Japan (1896), Modern India (1905), The Turk and His Lost Provinces, To-day in Syria and Palestine, Egypt, Burma and British Malaysia and United States to Dominate the Hemisphere.


Von Moltke, the great German soldier, predicted that a universal war would be fought under the walls of Constantinople. He had faith that the Christian Powers of Europe, sooner or later, would compel the Turks to respect their moral, political, and financial obligations. This would have been done years ago but for the jealousy of those Powers, and the thousands of innocent Macedonians who have been massacred and the hundreds of thousands who have suffered from Turkish cruelty are the victims of that jealousy. The Czar would intervene, but England, France, Austria, and Germany will not permit him to do so for fear Russia will obtain a port upon the Mediterranean. At intervals the uprisings in Macedonia have indicated the approach of hostilities. They have grown more frequent and serious until, as this little book goes to press, Russia and Austria have demanded a better government for Macedonia, and the Sultan has responded by ordering 250,000 Turkish troops into that province. Diplomatic negotiations and empty assurances may again avert war, but every sign indicates that Von Moltke's prophecy is soon to be fulfilled. The purpose of this publication is to give English readers a few facts about the several "buffer-states" of the Balkan Peninsula which cannot be elsewhere obtained. It is the result of a journey through that peninsula as correspondent of The Chicago Record-Herald, and although the author realizes that it is defective and incomplete, he is confident that the American public will appreciate his efforts to give them the timely information it contains.


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