Tuva - Voices From The Land Of The Eagles

20.07.10 | Admin


<b>Tuva - Voices From The Land Of The Eagles</b>
Artist:Various Artists
Label: Pan Records
Publication date: 1994
ASIN: B000007SBP
Format / Quality: MP3
Size: 240 Mb

This was one of the first Tuvan CDs to show up in America, and it's among the best. The three musicians include Kaigal-ool Khovalyg (later of Huun-Huur-Tu, and memorable as Paul Pena's Tuvan host in the documentary "Genghis Blues") and Kongar-ool Ondar (who has his own solo albums available). This CD includes good versions of my favorite two Tuvan songs, the caravan drivers' song "Tying Siirtuktiilerining Iri" (peppier than the Huun-Huur-Tu version) and "Chez Bulungum". Other songs include "Igilding Iizi", "Bayan Dugai Koshkarliimni", and the Orphan's Lament "Iiskistiing Iri", all of which also show up on the first two Huun-Huur-Tu CDs. There are examples of various khoomei throat-singing styles (in which the singer sings two notes AT THE SAME TIME, a low drone and a higher melody). Unfortunately, there are also two jaw-harp tracks; this is customary for Tuvan CDs, and the reason I have yet to give one five stars. Throat-singing began as music that herders would sing while out on horseback in open country--it's interesting to find that the music has the same rhythms as American cowboy music. The musical accompaniment tends to be very simple, played on instruments that are like simplified violins and banjos.


1. Igilding Iizi 07:55
2. Toruktug Dolgai Tangdim 03:28
3. Tying Siirtuktiilerining Iri 05:41
4. Bayan Dugai Koshkarliimni 03:00
5. Khomushka Ayalgalar 03:36
6. Ches Bulungum 01:46
7. Sigit, Kargiraa And Khoomei 05:15
8. Kargiraa-Style Song 02:19
9. Khomus 04:43
10. The Song Of The Orphan Child 03:48
11. Tuvinian Comical Folk Refrains 05:05


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