Buyuk Turk Dilcisi Kasarli Mahmut

22.07.13 | yabgu


<b>B&#252;y&#252;k T&#252;rk Dilcisi Ka&#351;garl&#305; Mahmu</b>
Author: M. &#350;akir &#220;lk&#252;ta&#351;&#305;r
Publisher: TDK
Publication date: 1972
Number of pages: 222 .+1 Hrt.
Format / Quality: PDF
Size: 13,4 Mb
Language: Turkish

Mahmud ibn Hussayn ibn Muhammad al-Kashgari (Uyghur: &#1605;&#1749;&#1726;&#1605;&#1735;&#1583; &#1602;&#1749;&#1588;&#1602;&#1609;&#1585;&#1609;&#8206; Mehmud Qeshqiri, Turkish: Ka&#351;garl&#305; Mahmut, Arabic: &#1605;&#1581;&#1605;&#1608;&#1583; &#1576;&#1606; &#1575;&#1604;&#1581;&#1587;&#1610;&#1606; &#1576;&#1606; &#1605;&#1581;&#1605;&#1583; &#1575;&#1604;&#1603;&#1575;&#1588;&#1594;&#1585;&#1610;&#8206; - Ma&#7717;m&#363;d ibnu 'l-&#7716;ussayn ibn Mu&#7717;ammad al-K&#257;&#353;&#289;ar&#299;) (Mahm&#251;d Qa&#353;qar&#238;) was an 11th century Turkic scholar and lexicographer of Turkic languages from Kashgar.

Al-Kashgari studied the Turkic dialects of his time and wrote the first comprehensive dictionary of Turkic languages, the D&#299;w&#257;nu l-Lu&#289;at al-Turk (Arabic: "Compendium of the languages of the Turks") in 1072. It was intended for use by the Caliphs of Baghdad, the new, Arabic allies of the Turks. Mahmud Kashgari's comprehensive dictionary contains specimens of old Turkic poetry in the typical form of quatrains (Persio-Arabic &#1585;&#1576;&#1575;&#1593;&#1740;&#1575;&#1578; rub&#257;iy&#257;t; Turkish: d&#246;rtl&#252;k), representing all the principal genres: epic, pastoral, didactic, lyric, and elegiac. His book also included the first known map of the areas inhabited by Turkic peoples. This map is housed at the National Library in Istanbul

Mahmud al-Kashgari died in 1102 at the age of 97 in Upal, a small city southwest of Kashgar, and was buried there. There is now a mausoleum erected on his gravesite. He is remembered by Uyghurs as a prominent Uyghur scholar.
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