Gorgut Ata

16.06.11 | anonymous


<b>Gorgut Ata.Turkmen Halk eposy</b>
Author: Annagurban Aşurov (Çapa tayyarlan)
Publisher: A.,Magarif
Publication date: 1999
Size: 43 Mb
Language: Turkmen

The Book of Dede Korkut, also spelled as Dada Gorgud, Dede Qorqut or Korkut-ata (Turkish: Dede Korkut, Azerbaijani: Kitabi Dədə Qorqud, کتاب دده قورقود , Persian: کتاب دده قورقود , Russian: Китаби деде Коркуд, Turkmen: Gorkut-ata), is the most famous epic stories of the Oghuz Turks (also known as Turkmens or Turcomans) The stories carry morals and values significant to the social lifestyle of the nomadic Turks and their pre-Islamic beliefs. The book's mythic narrative is part of the cultural heritage of Turkic states some of those are Turkey, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, as well as to a lesser degree Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.[1].

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