<b>Histoire des Mongols, depuis Tchinguiz-Khan jusqu'à Timour Bey ou Tamerlan - 1852</b>Author: Constantin d' OhssonPub...
Narrative of the Embassy of Ruy González de Clavijo to the Court of Timour, at Samarcand, AD 1403-6Author: Ruy González de Clavijo Translat...
Travels in central Asia; being the account of a journey from Teheran across the Turkoman desert on the eastern shore of the Caspian to Khiva, Bokhara,...
<b>Edgar Allan Poe - Tamerlane and Other Poems - 1827</b>Author: Edgar Allan PoePublisher: Boston:Calvin F.S.Thomas - 1827Format / Quality...
A Journey from Orenburg to Bokhara in the Year 1820 - 1870Author: Georges de MeyendorfTranslated Edward Francis Chapman Publisher:Calcutta: Foreign De...
Великая Яса - Фрагмент из книги Г.В. Вернадского "Монголы и Русь" - 1999Author: Г.В.ВернадскийPublisher: М.: Аграф, 1999Format:RtfSize: 1 MbLanguage:...