Nayi Osman Dede: Mevlana
Author: Nayi Osman Dede
Publisher: Ussak Mevlevi ayini
Format / Quality: MP3 320 Kbps
Size: 110 mb
Цитата:NAYI OSMAN DEDE (1652?-1730)
The composer of Turkish religious music, a virtuoso of ney and scientist of music. he was born in Istanbul, Vefa. Nayi Osman Dede was known as the best neyzen and a unique virtuoso of his times and in 1680 he became the master of neyzen in Galata Mevlevihane. He did his work for 18 years and by the Seyh Gaysi Dede, he is appointed to the biggest Mevlevihane in Istanbul as the seyh.
Osman Dede lived in the periods of five sultan from two races Besides being a great virtuoso of ney, he is also a very good calligrapher a poet and a genius composer who has a great place in the world of Turkish music.MEVLANA CELALEDDIN-I RUMI
(Belh, 1207 - Konya, 1273)
Agreat poet, scientist, Sufi and the founder of Mevlevi Seet. He came and established in Anatolia where he became famous and called "Rumi" (Anatolia) and he gained respects of everyone which made him called as MEVLANA that means "our master".
His father is Bahaeddin Veled who was well known as Sultan ul Ulema (Sultan of the Seintists.)
Bahaeddin Veled felt very uncomfortable because of the fanaticism around Belh and the attacks of the Mongols. After he went to Nisabur, Baghdad and Mecca for pilgrim, he has passed through Anatolia where there was a great toleration on discussing every thought and opinion at those times.
Then he went to Konya with his son in 1928 by the invitation of Seljukian Sultan Alaaddin Keykubat and he died in this city in 1231.
Mevlana took lessons materially and morally from his father and from most efficient scientists in Konya and in the places where he has been. He was able to speak Persian, Arabic, Modern Greek and Hebrew language of the highest degree.
Being a Mevlevi was established as a seet after the death of Mevlana by his son Sultan Veled who was formed Mevlevi as a religious order according to his fathers thoughts, After that, the people in this way has called as "Mevlevi".
The Mevlevi rites have been being done as a symbol of struggling while setting free of self existence for being in the right was with using right.
The Mevlevi rites are played and sung by the commission of "Mutrip" in the place which is called "Semahane". In this commission, the "Naathan" group who reads the rites is placed together with the players of the Turkish Music instruments especially ney and kudum.
These rites are composed of four main parts which are performed with special costumes by the commission of Mutrip and Semazens and every part of these rites is called "Selam".
In the first selam, lovers set free from all kinds of doubts and they start believing in God. In the second selam, they accept that God is unique.
In the third one, they reach to the level of a great and in the fourth selam, they start to turn around themselves. Seyh is also added to sema in this selam. He symbolizes Mevlana as being in the middle. When Seyh reaches his Post. Sema and Koran is started to read. After that, rites ends with the pray.
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