<b>Mu'awiya ibn abi Sufyan: From Arabia to Empire - Makers of the Muslim World - 2006</b>Author: R. Stephen HumphreysPublisher: Onew...
Крестовые походыAuthor: Пьер ВиймарPublisher: ЕвразияPublication date: 2006ISBN: 5807101928Number of pages: 348Format / Quality: PDFSize: 15,14 Мb Lan...
<b>The Self-Disclosure of God: Principles of Ibn Al-'Arabi's Cosmology</b>Author: William C. ChittickPublisher: University Pres...
<b>Persia by a Persian: being personal experiences, manners, customs, habits, religious and social life in Persia</b>Author: Isaac AdamsPu...
Исламский ИнтернетAuthor: Айнур СибгатуллинPublisher: Н. Новгород: ИД «Медина»Publication date: 2010Number of pages: 128Format / Quality: PDFSize: 3,...