Sufi Visionary of Ottoman Damascus: 'Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulusi, 1641-1731 - 2005

05.04.09 | Xurshid


<b>Sufi Visionary of Ottoman Damascus: 'Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulusi, 1641-1731 - 2005</b>
Author: Elizabeth Sirriyeh
Publisher: RoutledgeCurzon - 2005
Format / Quality: Pdf
Size: 1.2 Mb


'Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulusi (1641-1731) was the most outstanding scholarly Sufi of Ottoman Syria. He was regarded as the leading religious poet of his time and as an excellent commentator of classical Sufi texts. At the popular level, he has been read as an interpreter of symbolic dreams. Moreover, he played a crucial role in the transmission of the teachings of the Naqshabandiyya in the Ottoman Empire, and he contributed to the eighteenth-century Sufi revival via his disciples. This pioneering book analyses important aspects of al-Nabulusi's work and places him in the historical context.

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