Путешествие на Памир Гордона
Несколько глав из книги 'The Roof of the World' ('
Автор: Гордон Томас Эдвард / Gordon Thomas Edward
Издатель: СПб., тип. В. Безобразова и К°
Дата издания: 1877
Количество страниц: 24
Формат / качество: doc
Размер: 329 кб
The Roof of the World being the Narrative of a Journey over the High Plateau of Tibet to the Russian Frontier and the Oxus Sources on Pamir. Edinburgh, Edmonston & Douglas, 1876.
4to. Pp. xiv, 172. With one folding map, 24 tinted lithographs, of which one panorama (with a few tears) and 4 coloured, and 42 illustrations in the text. Two plates loose. The map is "Part of the preliminary map of East Turkistan. To illustrate the Reports on Sir Douglas Forsyth's Mission to Kashgar, 1873-74". Publisher's green cloth, spine decorated and lettered in gilt, expertly rebacked with original spine laid down, and small repair to very lower part of spine and covers. A crisp copy of this charming and classic work. First edition. Gordon travelled together with Captain Trotter and Biddulph, starting out from Leh to Kashgar reaching the Pamirs over the Karakorum Pass. The lovely illustrations (except the four coloured) are facsimile copies of Gordon's sketches made on the spot. The four coloured plates are faithful copies of his original water-colour drawings. Cordier BS 2820. Yakushi G88.
Пояснения: Фрагменты книги британского генерала Т. Э. Гордона представляют собой важнейший источник географических, исторических и политических сведений о Памире.
Перевод действительного члена Императорского Русского географического общества М. И. Венюкова. — СПб., тип. В. Безобразова и К°, 1877. — 37 с. — (Отд. оттиск из Известий ИРГО, т. 12, прил. к № 6). /// Gordon, Sir Thomas E. The Roof of the World being the narrative of a journey over the high plateu of Tibet to Russian frontier. — London — Edinburgh, 1876.
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