<b>Chinese Gleams of Sufi Light</b>Author: Sachiko MurataPublisher: tate University of New York Press Publication date: 2000ISBN: 07914463...
<b>The Self-Disclosure of God: Principles of Ibn Al-'Arabi's Cosmology</b>Author: William C. ChittickPublisher: University Pres...
<b>Sufism: A Beginner's Guide</b>Author: William C.ChittickPublisher: OUP Publication date: 2000Number of pages: 247Format / Quality:...
&lt;b&gt; The Kashf al-mahj&amp;#250;b, the oldest Persian treatise on S&amp;#250;fiism &lt;/b&gt;Auth...
<b>Логика птиц (Мантик ут-тайр)</b>Author: Аттар Фарид ад-ДинTranslator & Переводчик: Перевод с персидского Мостафа БорзуиPublisher:М....
Sufism Its Saints And ShrinesAuthor: John A. SubhanPublisher: Lucknow Publishing HousePublication date: 1938Number of pages: 442Format / Quality: PDF...