<b>Sufi Visionary of Ottoman Damascus: 'Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulusi, 1641-1731 - 2005</b>Author: Elizabeth SirriyehPublisher: RoutledgeC...
Mysticism and Magic in Turkey - An Account of the Religious Doctrines. Monastic Organization and Ecstatic Powers of the Dervish Orders - 1979Author: L...
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&lt;b&gt;Revelations of the Unseen: Futuh al-Ghayb - 2007&lt;/b&gt;Author: Shaikh &#039;Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani...
<b>Necmüddin Kübra - Tasavvufi Hayat</b>Author: Necmüddin KübraHazirlayan:Mustafa KaraPublisher: Der...
&lt;b&gt;&amp;#304;brahim Hakk&amp;#305; Erzurumi - Marifetname&lt;/b&gt;Author: &amp;#304;bra...